Diane's Story: Why I Created Healing from Hair Pulling

Welcome to our kind, supportive community! My name is Diane, and I am the founder of Healing from Hair Pulling (HFHP).

We are so excited that you are choosing to better understand yourself by joining us here.

HFHP Began as a Mission to Better Understand My World

My world changed for the better when I finally decided to get to the root of the issue. This program began as a mission to better understand my own struggle with chronic hair pulling.

Today, HFHP has become a global support network that helps millions of women develop a healthier lifestyle while confidently moving forward in their lives -- with, or without, trichotillomania.

View more of my story below.
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I Searched for Answers, Just Like You

Like many women, my hair pulling started when I was a teenager. I lived in a difficult home, going through scary situations I could not control, and I didn’t have much support from my family. I was often overwhelmed by anxiety, stress, and sadness. 

No one in my life was teaching me how I could succeed in a healthier way! 

For more than 35 years, I searched for answers, help, and other women who understand how difficult chronic hair-pulling can be. 

Does this sound familiar? 
Even if your story didn't begin the same way, our journeys may be similar.

Over the years, I went through an emotional rollercoaster, often criticized by people who didn't understand how sad I was to have this condition.  
Every day, I lived with the frustration of never finding a treatment or approach that would help me stop pulling.

Even worse, I was constantly afraid. 

I Was Afraid of So Many Things

I was afraid my friends would think I was crazy or a monster. 
I was afraid to date anyone because eventually, they would discover my secret problem that I could not control. 
I was afraid, as I moved into my professional career, that my coworkers would make fun of me if they found out I was bald and wearing a wig.

I was afraid, in so many aspects of relationships and in how I would be perceived, that it damaged how I saw myself. 

Because, at the heart of it, I was afraid that it was all my fault.

If you feel the same way, please know how deeply sorry I am that you experienced this kind of fear, too. You don't have to be afraid. 

The silver lining is now you know, you are not alone.
One in 50 women will develop chronic hair pulling at some point in their lifetime, and medical studies show that more than 9 million women in the US currently share our condition.

Today, I Serve Women as a Guide

By leading HFHP, I hope to serve as a slightly older sister, just like the one I once needed, providing a path for your hope, support, and healing.
Healing from Hair PullingTM as born from my journey and the desire to create a supportive, take-action environment for women just like me. 

This program is not just a collection of information—it's a comprehensive support network designed to:

  • empower you with knowledge,
  • boost your self-confidence, and
  • connect you with a community that truly understands.

Most importantly, we help you create a personalized plan to help you heal.

As you move through our resources and choose who you'd like to include on your dedicated action team, you will see your personal healing plan coming together. 

We also believe that when you join HFHP, you will feel less alone and less afraid.

Healing Women Heal Women

As one of our core principles here at HFHP, we believe healing women heal women. Our educational resources were created by a team of women who understand what you're going through, because we all have trichotillomania too.

And, after 35 years of living with trichotillomania, I’m so grateful to share that I no longer pull my hair. It's all thanks to lifestyle changes I made while building this program! 

I Know, Firsthand, that Knowledge is Power

When you sign up for our educational, self-help course called UnTrick Yourself™, you’ll begin your own transformation by diving into what trichotillomania is, its causes, and its impact.

Knowledge is power, and understanding the roots of your condition is the first step toward managing it.

Together, we will also address the world around us. We will explore the ways people often misunderstand chronic hair-pulling, to help you navigate conversations in your life with the fact that this is, for many of us, a chronic medical condition that can have flare-ups. 

Chronic hair pulling is not just a bad habit, and no, it is not your fault. But you can make conscious decisions in how you choose to heal.

I’d Love to Help You Heal

All of us here at HFHP know firsthand that healing begins by creating a personalized path. As you continue through our self-help course, we will guide you in developing a self-care plan tailored to your unique needs, including diet, lifestyle changes, and emotional support.

You will also notice that we take great strides in HFHP to make you feel comfortable and safe. 

My picture on this website is a cartoon, on purpose, and so are most of the images of people you will meet during your journey with us. We do that, intentionally, so you know that we take your privacy and confidentiality seriously. 

Feel free to share as much or as little about your personal life as you wish, in our course and our private forum. Always choose what makes you feel the most comfortable, as we move forward, together.

I Can’t Wait to Connect You with Friends Who Understand

When you engage fully with HFHP by taking our self-course, you'll receive a free invitation to join our private community. We'd love to introduce you to new friends who also decided it’s time to take action! 

Your invitation won't arrive, though, until you've completed the UnTrick Yourself™ educational program. This is by design, so you will have more knowledge about chronic hair-pulling before you participate in our private forum. 

This is meant to help you feel more comfortable and prepared, so you can better understand topics that our members often talk about. I guarantee they'd love to meet you, and also learn what works best, for you.

And, after you finish our educational course, I would love to meet you in person (well, on Zoom) if you choose to do so. 

I can't wait to hear how you feel about the personal action plan that you created for healing in our self-help course, plus any ideas you might have to help women who are at the beginning of this transformative journey. 

Naturally, I'd also love to answer any questions you have.

Let’s Move Forward, Together

So, what comes next for you here at HFHP? 

My hope is that by joining our community and our self-help program, you'll feel more empowered with knowledge about your condition, and self-assured. 

You'll discover a team of people who know how to help, including trich-informed care professionals, and you'll be supported by close friends, family, and our kind community. 

And, you'll create an action plan to help you reduce hair-pulling urges. Now, and for the rest of your life.

Ready? It’s time to UnTrick Yourself™.

I'm honored to serve as your helpful guide, as we work through our empowering program together. In the days ahead, I look forward to helping you develop a personalized plan to help you heal.

Welcome to our community of women, supporting women. I'm so glad you're here.

Together, let's find what works best, for you!
About HFHP
Healing from Hair Pulling offers health education and customized support programs for women who have trichotillomania. We understand how chronic hair pulling makes you feel because our team members all have TTM too!

Our easy-to-understand guides teach women like us how to better understand their medical condition plus ways to lessen internal triggers in their body that may be making it worse.

Consider using our free assessment tool to check the severity of your symptoms.

HFHP’s evidence-based, peer-led educational program called UnTrick Yourself™ incorporates personalized support plans and a friendly private community -- all designed to help you better manage your symptoms while uplifting how you feel -- physically, emotionally and in spirit.
Our affordable, holistic education gets to the root of the issue, as we explain TTM causes, triggers, diet changes that can reduce flare-ups, daily self-care steps, and ways to create a caring support team to help you heal.

Join us at healingfromhairpulling.com. 

Learn more self-care tips for hair pullers

Explore our educational healing course for women who have trichotillomania.
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